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Baseball field Wikipedia. A baseball field, also called a ball field or a baseball diamond, is the field upon which the game of baseball is played. The term can also be used as a metonym for a baseball park. SpecificationseditThis section appears to contradict itself on what the infield means. Please see the talk page for more information. January 2. Unless otherwise noted, the specifications discussed in this section refer to those described within the Official Baseball Rules, under which Major League Baseball is played. Diagram of a baseball field. The starting point for much of the action on the field is home plate, which is a five sided slab of whitened rubber, 1. Adjacent to each of the two parallel 8. The point of home plate where the two 1. The other three corners of the square, in counterclockwise order from home plate, are called first base, second base, and third base. Three canvas bags fifteen inches 3. These three bags along with home plate form the four points at the corners of the infield. All the bases, including home plate, lie entirely within fair territory. Thus, any batted ball that touches those bases must necessarily be in fair territory. While the first and third base bags are placed so that they lie inside the 9. Thus, although the points of the bases are 9. Increase Softball Running Speed' title='Increase Softball Running Speed' />Increase Softball Running SpeedA discussion of the components of fitness testing relating to the sport of softball. The lines from home plate to first and third bases extend to the nearest fence, stand or other obstruction and are called the foul lines. The portion of the playing field between and including the foul lines is fair territory the rest is foul territory. The area in the vicinity of the square formed by the bases is called the infield fair territory outside the infield is known as the outfield. Most baseball fields are enclosed with a fence that marks the outer edge of the outfield. The fence is usually set at a distance ranging from 3. Increase Softball Running Speed' title='Increase Softball Running Speed' />Most professional and college baseball fields have a right and left foul pole. These poles are at the intersection of the foul lines and the respective ends of the outfield fence and, unless otherwise specified within the ground rules, lie in fair territory. Thus, a batted ball that passes over the outfield wall in flight and touches the foul pole is a fair ball and the batter is awarded a home run. Increase Softball Running Speed' title='Increase Softball Running Speed' />First baseedit. Left field foul pole at Citi Field in Flushing, Queens. First base is the first of four bases that must be touched by a player on the batting team in order to score a run. Wondershare Dr Fone 4 Keygen Photoshop. Unlike when an offensive player reaches second or third base, it is permissible for a batter runner to overrun first base without being in jeopardy of being put out. After contact is made with the base, the batter runner may slow down and return to first base at his leisure, so long as he makes no move or attempt to advance to second base. The runner cannot be tagged out if he is touching the base with any part of his body. The first baseman is the defensive player responsible for the area near first base. A professional first baseman is often a slow runner and tall. A tall first baseman presents a large target to which other fielders can throw, and his height gives him a larger range in reaching and catching errant throws. Players who are left handed are marginally preferable for first base because first, it is easier for a left handed fielder to catch a pick off throw from the pitcher and tag the baserunner and, second, it is easier for a left handed thrower to make the throw to second base to start a 3 6 3, 3 6 4, or a 3 6 1 double play. Also, a right handed first baseman must, when setting himself up to receive a throw from an infielder, execute a half pivot near the base this is a move that a left hander need not make this advantage is very marginal, however. There are three infield positions that can only effectively be occupied by right handed players 2nd base, 3rd base, and shortstop. This is because of the time it takes to pivot and set to throw. It takes a left handed thrower more time to make that pivot and in the fast paced major league game, that time is critical. As a result, there are fewer positions a left handed player can occupy, and if that player is not fast, the outfield may not be a good fit. In the numbering system used to record defensive plays, the first baseman is assigned the number 3. Second baseeditSecond base is the second of four stations on a baseball diamond which must be touched in succession by a base runner in order to score a run for that players team. Second base is typically defended by the second baseman and the shortstop. Ri0FPiJulQ/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Increase Softball Running Speed' title='Increase Softball Running Speed' />Welcome to Atlanta Speed Academy Atlanta Speed Academy ASA benefits all aspiring athletes of ALL sports ages 5 to 17, both boys and girls by providing programs. Second base is also known as the keystone sack. A runner on second base is said to be in scoring position, owing to the high likelihood of reaching home plate and scoring a run from second base on most base hits. Since second is the farthest base from home plate, it is the most common target of base stealing. The runner cannot be tagged out if he is touching the base with any part of his body. Ideally, the second baseman and shortstop possess quick hands and feet and the ability to release the ball rapidly and with accuracy. One will usually cover second base when the other attempts to field the ball. Both players must communicate well to be able to make a double play. Particular agility is required of the second baseman in double play situations, which usually forces the player to throw towards first while his momentum carries him in the opposite direction. In the numbering system used to record defensive plays, the second baseman is assigned the number 4, and the shortstop 6. Third baseeditThird base is the third of four bases a base runner must touch in a counterclockwise succession in order to score a run. Many batted balls that result in the batter being put out such as a sacrifice fly may nevertheless allow a runner to reach home plate and score a run from third base, provided that the third and final out is not recorded before he can do so. A runner on third base is therefore particularly valuable to the batting team when fewer than two outs have been recorded. The runner cannot be tagged out if he is touching the base with any part of his body. The third baseman is the defensive player whose responsibility is to defend the area nearest to third base. A third baseman ideally possesses quick reaction to batted balls and a strong arm to make the long throw to first base. The distance from 3rd to 1st is about 1. In the numbering system used to record defensive plays, the third baseman is assigned the number 5. Home plateedit. Home plate of a baseball field. Home plate, formally designated home base in the rules, is the final base that a player must touch to score. Unlike the other bases, home plate is a five sided slab of whitened rubber that is set at ground level. The use of rubber was developed by Robert Keating, who pitched one game for the 1. Baltimore Orioles. Previouslyand more dangerouslythe plate was made of stone, iron, or wood. The dimensions of home plate are 1. The rear edges are at 4. The plate is white and surrounded by a black strip 34 inches 1. The plate sits entirely in fair territory, with the two rear edges aligned with the right and left field foul lines. The length and angle requirements for home plate mandate that it is not a regular pentagon it is a 1.

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